I was attempting to use CLSQL in LispWorks and had trouble reading in strings. I could even output the strings using insert, but couldn't read them in properly. I had two main issues that I needed to make changes for (running LispWorks 7.1.2 64-bit running on Windows 10, update, now running version 8.0.1 and this is working).
First, LispWorks didn't like a return type of :unsigned-long-long in "...\quicklisp\software\clsql-20160208-git\uffi\clsql-uffi.lisp". Replace these references to :unsigned-long-long with '(:unsigned :long :long) and then it will compile properly. I can't speak for whether this 100% right and I don't think that any of my current code depends on getting this right. But, it does let me compile.
The next problem was in "...\quicklisp\software\uffi-20180228-git\src\strings.lisp", the function fast-native-to-string. There's two such definitions which are split across different versions of lisp. LispWorks 7.1.2 is in the first such definition and there is a reference to base-char that is specifically used for LispWorks.
Edit: Based on comment below from a reader, the changes to make here are:
- line 500: #+(or (and allegro (not ics)) lispworks4)
- line 513: #+(or (and allegro ics) (and lispworks (not lispworks4)))