Thursday, December 24, 2020

CLSQL in LispWorks: Varchar Fields

 I was attempting to use CLSQL in LispWorks and had trouble reading in strings. I could even output the strings using insert, but couldn't read them in properly. I had two main issues that I needed to make changes for (running LispWorks 7.1.2 64-bit running on Windows 10, update, now running version 8.0.1 and this is working).

First, LispWorks didn't like a return type of :unsigned-long-long in "...\quicklisp\software\clsql-20160208-git\uffi\clsql-uffi.lisp". Replace these references to :unsigned-long-long with '(:unsigned :long :long) and then it will compile properly. I can't speak for whether this 100% right and I don't think that any of my current code depends on getting this right. But, it does let me compile.

The next problem was in "...\quicklisp\software\uffi-20180228-git\src\strings.lisp", the function fast-native-to-string. There's two such definitions which are split across different versions of lisp. LispWorks 7.1.2 is in the first such definition and there is a reference to base-char that is specifically used for LispWorks.

Edit: Based on comment below from a reader, the changes to make here are:

  • line 500: #+(or (and allegro (not ics)) lispworks4)
  • line 513: #+(or (and allegro ics) (and lispworks (not lispworks4)))

You will end up with:

I made a simple table with data that contains both varchar(50) and nvarchar(50) to test with, defined below. I put (mostly) the same data in each of Name and Name1 to see if there was any difference.

Using clsql to get all of the tuples that were entered is as simple as (clsql:query "select Id, Name, Name1 from TableWithStrings").

I'm not able to find who to contact regarding this as I see that the website for the project may have been abandoned (last change on the change list was in Jan 2016, specifically for LispWorks support). I note however, that someone more recently made a change for uffi as the folder name has the date in it suggesting Feb 2018.